Katia Sepúlveda
Katia Sepúlveda
Photo: Auriel

Pascha Revolution!

Video Performances with Amy Rush
 February 14th 2011, 12:30p.m.

Cologne, Germany

"Anticapitalism of love"

Against the body, sex, the desire of love capitalism, we intervene the biggest brothel in Cologne, the "Pascha" and have sex-affective with Amy Rush at the main entrance, because we are fed up with the privileges of white-masculinity where we are forced to stay on the sidelines, we intervene this "architecture of power", and the hyper-heteronormativity they represent.

Pasha Revolution!


Vídeo Performances con Amy Rush
14 de febrero 2011, 12:3p.m.

Colonia, Alemania

"Anticapitalismo del amor"

Contra el cuerpo, el sexo, el deseo del capitalismo del amor, intervenimos el mayor prostíbulo de Colonia, el "Pascha" y tengo sexo-afectivo con Amy Rush en la entrada principal, porque estamos hartas de los privilegios de la masculinidad-blanca  en donde nosotras nos obligan a quedarnos al margen, intervenimos está "arquitectura del poder", y la hiper-heteronormatividad que representan.